Tatúnna is a home kit of modernised analog tattoo tools, made as an investigation into lost ancient Celtic tattoo practices. Tatúnna was created to promote personal and peer-to-peer tattoos by putting the tools of ancient practitioners in the hands of the modern tattoo audience. Ireland's ancient tattoo practices have unfortunately been lost to time. Tatúnna is my attempt at reassembling this process through intensive research and ideation.
Contemporary tattoo has become highly mechanical and industrialised. While this is healthy for the practice and artists, the connection generated between artist and client has suffered. Tatúnna gives people a new method to create these deep personal connections and explore their creative capabilities through expressive analog tattoo.
Tatúnna gives the ability to learn about and create Celtic/neo Celtic art to its consumer. Tatúnnas user guides inform on safe assembly, practice methods and safety information reviewed and approved by professional tattoo artists. Additionally, these guides educate users on the features and motifs of Celtic art and break these features down into insightful and easily understandable info sheets.
Tatúnna supplies its user with everything needed to start tattooing by hand. Standardised tattoo needles and bandage wrap come in the boxes lower compartment, along with a simple guide on how to generate your own skin safe, carbon based tattoo ink. After all, in ancient times there was no shops to buy ink from!
The tools of Tatúnna are crafted from Irish oak, specifically gnarled and burred pieces. To further add to this aesthetic and help distinguish between Marc Brúigh and Marc Nathair, these oak parts have been spalted with tinted epoxy resin. The result is beautiful tools that visualise the juxtaposition between ancient tattoo craft and our modern understanding of tattoo.
Tatúnna promotes connection through tattoo. Rhythmic taps and flicks of skin replace the loud buzzing of modern mechanical tattoo. The result is a much quieter, more comfortable space where artists can truly get to know their canvas and clients can learn the intricacies of tattoo.